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Thank you for subscribing to the Tech Made Simple newsletter.

Welcome to our journey together to help you get the tech out of your way so you can focus on scaling your business.

If you’d like to hop off at any time, simply unsubscribe. I appreciate you being here.

Now, before I tell you more about this newsletter, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Hi, I’m Ed – you may know me as Ed Ink.

I write about tech that helps you become insanely effective, solve your clients’ difficult problems at scale, and even 10X your business without employees.

As of now, I work remotely. I’ve been working from my home since 2014. I live in London, UK, with my wife, Olga, and my child, Isaac.

This is my little family.

Olga works in promotional events, and Isaac is a full-time thunderbolt kid.

In between my clients and Olga’s part-time promotional jobs, I’m building this project in my spare time, sitting below Isaac’s bunk bed.

When you signed up, we did a happy dance together.

By signing up, you’ve also become a part of the tribe I’m bringing together. Welcome!

Here’s what you’ve signed up for…

I use sketches and drawings to simplify complex tech for you.

The content of this newsletter is roughly based on simplifying the three core pillars of scaling your coaching business online:

  1. Marketing Funnels & Websites – How you market and sell your stuff – marketing funnels, sales pipelines, websites, analytics, paid ads, etc.
  2. Products & Educational Tech – How you create and deliver your stuff – LMS or e-learning platforms, video hosting, cameras, shopping carts, etc.
  3. Productivity & Personal Effectiveness – How you get yourself to do things you know you need to do and how your tech can help.

The complex view.

Simpler view.

Even better.

“Simplifying your tech” is an obvious theme. I also have a hidden theme.

It’s not something I’m trying to hide, but it’s the theme that overshadows all my recommendations. It’s way more important than just simplifying the tech.

It’s about the freedom that comes with ownership of your platform. I’ll explain more in my upcoming newsletters.

Now, what to expect from me?

This newsletter is built on integrity and trust. For this reason, I DO NOT USE affiliate or referral links. (All affiliates are liars).

You can count on my recommendations because they are based on tools I actually use in my or my clients’ projects. (I’ve used a lot of tools).

Also, I’ll write only when I have something to say. (About one or two emails a month).

I get 300 to 500 emails a day, but only once or twice a month do I find a newsletter worth reading. I want my emails to be THAT newsletter for you.

What I write is dictated by your challenges I identify during my 15-minute Tribe Avatar Interviews with the subscribers of this newsletter.

I’m working towards making more time to write and draw. Once I’m in a position to write more frequently, I’ll let you know.

Once again, thank you for joining me on this journey.

Until next time, signing out…

Your Tech Guide,
Ed Ink (ed.ink)
Co-author, the 48-Hour Book Method.

“When it comes to tech, less is more. Simple is better.”