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* We’re in the early stages of this newsletter, so please bare with me for irregularities in the dispatch over the next few issues.
Perhaps you can relate to this…
One of the biggest personal challenges I face is fulfilling my relentless desire to express myself clearly.
I have these vivid, structured ideas in my head, but when I try to explain them verbally, everything becomes a jumble.

When I try to speak, my thoughts don’t come out as clearly as they are in my head. In conversation, it’s like my brain shuts off and my mouth takes over.
I find myself stumbling, and I’m left with a mix of excitement, shame, guilt, and regret. Maybe it’s social anxiety—or maybe it’s just that speaking doesn’t allow me to organize my thoughts.
However, when I turn to writing, something changes. I feel focused, clear, and in control. Through sketches, mindmaps, and especially writing, my ideas take shape, and my thoughts flow 10x clearer.
For me, writing is like channeling the Force in Star Wars. It’s a superpower I want to weild. It’s how I can express what’s inside without the noise and confusion of verbal communication.
However, writing is no easy feat for me, especially since I don’t have family or friends who writes.
Only my clients or heroes write, and I see them through their books, blogs, podcasts, and videos I consume. I want to create more than I consume.
Every learner needs a community to grow with.
That’s why I’m here—not just to improve my writing, but to surround myself with people like you who are on a similar journey to express yourselves through your writing (whether through newsletters, blogs, videos, podcasts, cartoons, etc.).
Learning in public via my newsletter is the skill I’m striving to master, and I’m here to train, refine, and sharpen it until it becomes my way of bringing clarity and purpose to my ideas.
I’ll be sharing everything I learn with you along the way.
A bit about me
Hi, I’m Ed.
I’ve worked as a funnel builder, product manager, and marketing director in online learning product businesses.
Currently, I’m freelancing as a creative marketing director in the alternative health, Lean, and Agile spaces.
But I’m not looking to grow my freelancing business. Instead, I’m building a newsletter to help me jump ship from working for others to working solely for myself.
I’m obsessed with learning new things and have invested over six figures in books, courses, and coaching. I want my learning and creating to be one and the same.
My newsletter, Learn in Public, is where I’m documenting my journey to create a personal learning system.
IMPORTANT: Please check if my emails are reaching your inbox. If not, you will not receive the newsletter issues.